Main page
Luanti (formerly Minetest) server (more details in the linked page, connect to server using the Luanti client)
Contact page
2024-11-03: Created a new Luanti server world and information page, the world started a day earlier. Also renamed minetest to luanti in links and added a redirect.
2024-10-28: Fixed Luanti server update scripts and other internal infrastructure so server would build and run correctly.
2024-10-25: Initial preparation to rename of Minetest infrastructure to Luanti as the project got a new name.
2024-07-03: Implemented automatic banning of contact form abusers, also automatically reporting to AbuseIPDB.
2024-07-01: Updated site header to add main page link, added it to minetest pages and done some more changes to them under the hood.
2024-06-07: Moved site header to separate file. Updated contact page to make it more complete.
2024-06-02: Added a minimal contact page where you could send a message to admin, protected by captcha.
2023-12-30: Fixed minetest server update scripts so they would install correct subgame as it would be no longer bundled since not so recent update would remove it from packaging.
2023-09-29: Added a world area limit for minetest world map generation.
2023-09-17: Added robots meta tag to minetest pages.
2023-03-11: Fixed a bug causing banning of ipv6 addresses not to work.
2022-12-13: Updated php to latest available version.
2022-10-29: Automatic minetest server and information page updates are now working, scripts restored.
2022-10-27: Rebuilt and installed the minetest server. No automatic server & info page updates yet.
2022-10-26: Reinstalled server OS and restored Apache configuration. The server is now running on Debian.
2022-05-21: Changed the order of displayed updates. New updates will appear on top from now, update entry posting form still not implemented at this time.
2022-05-19: Fixed a bug in server configuration where requests to missing php files would show an incorrect error page.
2022-05-09: Refactored ban management page. Less bugs in the ban list actions, they now point to correct location on the list if needed.
2021-10-21: The minetest server hosted here is now automatically updated and restarts around 7 AM each day at the local time.
2021-07-29: Fixed a bug causing error page not functioning properly.
2021-06-25: Implemented sql error logging. Any before unseen SQL error will be cached and any bugs found will be fixed way sooner.
2021-06-17: Some internal code updated, added a few missing features such as clearing logs.
2021-05-20: Updated minetest page, added a dedicated page for each minetest world.
2021-03-29: Some editor bugfixes, including scope isolation for preview mode.
2021-03-28: Site title can now be changed in site configuration page. No longer need to edit the code of the site. Implemented direct home page content editing.
2021-03-27: Site internals update. Implemented site configuration and user pages. Logged in user can now change password.
2020-11-23: Created a new Minetest world accessible through port 30001 and a dedicated page for the server with interesting details such as world screenshots and other stuff.
2020-10-20: Upgraded php to latest available version (7.4.11).
2020-10-19: Server now is SSL enabled, with Let's Encrypt certificate, subdomain under my personal site url. Fixed some security issues.
2020-10-07: Updated layout. Added sidebar, log in form and admin panel for admin users. Removed testing area and the link to it.
2020-10-06: Added a script automatically banning IP addresses requesting too many 404 errors in a short time. No working login or admin panel yet.
Current date & time: 2025-02-12 06:45:07, content last updated 2024-11-03 11:30:51, server time zone: Europe/Vilnius.